Understanding and preventing the impact of endocrine disruptors in sensitive populations
One of the first research projects to study endocrine disruptor chemicals' effects on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis

Towards elucidating the health impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals
Exposure to multiple Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) interferes with the function of the endocrine system, especially during developmental stages of life.
HYPIEND is one of the first projects to study EDCs effects on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis using a multidisciplinary approach, including preclinical models and two European-wide clinical studies.
The findings will be used to delineate interventional strategies for minimizing EDC exposure and consequences on the neuroendocrine system in pregnant and breastfeeding women and perinatal and pre-pubertal children.
A holistic approach to evaluate the effect of EDCs on the hypothalamus - pituitary axis
Computational toxicology methodological framework
Patterns evaluated in a sequential (tiered) approach
Preclinical studies & non-invasive biomarkers
Multi-centre intervention studies

Committed to protect citizens from hazardous chemicals
According to a report from the Endocrine Society, since 2009 numerous international scientific and health organizations have raised concerns and took a public stance about the risks that EDCs pose for public health, and many have called for stronger regulations. Scientific community concerns led to several actions by the European Commission to improve its regulatory regime.
Adopted in 2018, the Comprehensive European Union Framework on Endocrine Disruptors defines the EU strategic approach on endocrine disruptors for the years to come.
In 2020, the European Union acknowledged the need for attention to EDCs and called for several specific actions, including a ban on several of these chemicals in consumer products in the Commission’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.
In 2022, the EU Commission proposed new hazard classes under its chemicals regulation, including endocrine disruption, to better protect people and the environment from hazardous chemicals.
Under these regulatory frameworks and scientific concerns, HYPIEND aims at contributing to develop new endocrine disruptor screening methods and map out new public health strategies and policies to minimise the exposure of the most vulnerable populations.

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Project news
The HYPIEND project aiming to reduce the impact of Endocrine Disruptors celebrates its first anniversary
HYPIEND project gather in Leuven at the month marking the project first anniversary
ENKORE Cluster participates in European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) workshop
HYPIEND partners from Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) presented the project research and its studies
IGTP presents the HYPIEND studies to citizens at Badalona Science Week
HYPIEND partners from Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) presented the project research and its studies
HYPIEND and ENKORE members participate in the EDC-MASLD Policy Forum
HYPIEND was presented at the first EDC-MASLD Policy Forum to bridge the gap between science and regulation.
ENKORE Cluster projects showcased at the 6th Annual Forum on Endocrine Disruptors
Dr. Josep Mª del Bas, Scientific Coordinator of Eurecat’s Biotechnology Area, represented the HYPIEND project at the forum.
Eurecat and CMKP partners present HYPIEND Project at the European Lifestyle Medicine Symposium 2024
HYPIEND members from Eurecat and CMKP presented the project during a session on Pollution and Endocrine Disruptors
HYPIEND digital tool showcased at the Barcelona Exposome Symposium 2024
HYPIEND member from Eurecat presented the project’s behavioural-change platform during the Barcelona Exposome Symposium 2024
HYPIEND project featured at the 6th European Conference on Preconception Health and Care
The HYPIEND lifestyle interventions and research on endocrine disruptors and fertility were showcased by members of KU Leuven and IGTP
Impacts of early exposure to endocrine disruptors presented at BSLM 2024 Annual Medical Conference by HYPIEND partner from Eurecat
HYPIEND member from Eurecat, Dr. Dorota Komar, exposed the health impacts caused by early exposure to endocrine disruptors, at the BSLM 2024 Annual Medical Conference
HYPIEND partner from KU Leuven showcased pituitary stem cells and organoid technology at ISSCR 2024 Annual Meeting
HYPIEND partner Hugo Vankelecom from KU Leuven presented their work on pituitary stem cells and organoids at the ISSCR 2024

HYPIEND project consortium
HYPIEND is a collaborative consortium coordinated by Eurecat that involves the collaboration of research institutions and companies, collectively working towards a holistic understanding of EDC adverse health effects during critical development stages.
This Horizon Europe project brings together epidemiologists, exposure scientists, toxicologists, endocrinologists, health case practitioners, phycologists and risk assessors to bridge science-policy gaps.