Hospital Universitario La Fe (HULAFE) 

Hospital Universitario La Fe (HULAFE)

About Hospital Universitario La Fe (HULAFE) 

HULAFE is a non-profit organisation that carries out the scientific and research policy of the Hospital Universitari I Policnic “La Fe” (Valencia).  
The research of excellence carried out at HULAFE is patient-oriented and was accredited as a “Health Research Institute” by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation in 2009. HULAFE offers scientific and technological services and has more than 10,000 m2 of clinical and research laboratories to undertake research programmes based on state-of-the-art biomedical science, which aim to promote our several priority research areas. HULAFE comprises multidisciplinary and complementary research groups with consolidated expertise biomedical research and clinical research. 


HULAFE is in charge of the pre-screening of compounds using different in vitro models to select different mixtures of endocrine disruptors through the Experimental Hepatology UnitThe Experimental Hepatology Unit has a renowned international prestige in the development and use of different cellular models and has also developed a high-content imaging screening (HCS) by using multiparametric approaches. The group has been a member and coordinator of different EU-funded related to xenobiotic-induced toxicity. 

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