September 27, 2024

HYPIEND digital tool showcased at the Barcelona Exposome Symposium 2024 

HYPIEND member from Eurecat presented the project’s behavioural-change platform during the Barcelona Exposome Symposium 2024
Barcelona Exposome Symposium

HYPIEND member from Eurecat presented the project’s behavioural-change platform providing recommendations to limit EDC exposure in everyday life through gamification during the Barcelona Exposome Symposium 2024. The conference, organised by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), took place on 25 September in Barcelona, Spain. 

Laura Sistach, researcher at the Digital Health Unit of Eurecat, held a talk titled “HYPIEND Digital Tool: A Personalised Platform for Reducing EDC exposure”, in which the tool tailored for HYPIEND lifestyle intervention studies was presented.  

The HYPIEND Digital Tool provides personalised guidance on lifestyle modifications, empowering individuals to make informed choices by significantly reducing Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals exposure and its associated risks. 

The Barcelona Exposome Symposium, a local-level event part of a larger initiative to build an International Human Exposome Network, aims to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and resources within the exposome research community. The exposomics field aims to evaluate how a person’s lifetime environmental exposures impacts on biology and health using discovery-based analytical approaches.